Baba's Birthday (Ananda Purnima)

This year (2025) Baba's birthday will be celebrated on Monday, May 12. All the margiis of Israel may gather at the jagrti for celebration under the guidance of the local acarya, currently Ac. Abhidevananda Avt. If that is not possible, we may gather online for a short alternative program. To get the link for the online program, should it take place, please contact the jagrti.


Baba Vijaya Program

As every year, this year the Baba Vijaya program will be be celebrated from October 21-26. Details to be announced.


2025 Yoga Fasting Days for Israel

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Ananda Marga Festivals in 2025



New Year's Day (International) January 01
Niilakantha Divasa February 12
Dadhiici Divasa March 05
Vasantotsava (Spring Festival) March 14
Navavarsa April 15
Ananda Purnima May 12
Shravanii Purnima August 09
Kaosikii Divas September 06
Prabhata Samgiita Divasa September 14
Kiirtana Divasa October 08
Sharadotsava (Autumn Festival) September 28 - October 02
Sharadotsava - Children's Day September 28
Sharadotsava - Public Day September 29
Sharadotsava - Fine Arts Day September 30
Sharadotsava - Music Day October 01
Sharadotsava - Vijayotsava October 02
Kiirtan Divas October 08
Diipavalii October 20
Baba Vijaya Program October 21-26
Bhratrdvitiiya October 23
Navanna November 4
Flag Day December 29



Fasting Dates from (perhaps less reliable)

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